Foundry Resin
Resin Systems
Kore Mart operates 5 continuous mixers, and have made PUNB cores and molds for 20 years. Our industry experience and technical capabilities allow us to help you with calibrations, mixer maintenance, and molding making troubleshooting.
Not only do we sell Alpha Resins product, we use it. We are using Alpha Resins PUCB in our core room, so trust that we want high cycle times, low scrap rates, and environmentally friendly conditions.
Alpha Resins sets itself apart with its customer-focused approach, offering customized resin formulations through its dedicated R&D laboratory. Their commitment to customer satisfaction is backed by their ISO 9001:2015 certification, ensuring high-quality standards.
Having trouble with your mixer? Want faster cycle times for your mold production? Contact us!
Resin System Product Line:
- PUCB – phenolic urethane cold box
- PUNB – phenolic urethane no bake
- Polyol – polyurethane no bake
- Furan
- Ester Cured – Phenolic Ester